Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled "This could change your life."
~Helen Exley
~Helen Exley
There are so many books out there sometimes it's hard to find the one that will fill your needs. Here is a list of my favorites. The books I go back to time and time again.
HOUSE MAGIC: The Good Witch's Guide To Bringing Grace To Your Space
by Ariana
Feng Shui, witchcraft and astrology are already familiar to many readers, but this is the first book to bring them all together. By using a little bit of each, people can activate positive energy in their homes and consequently in their lives.
In a casual, chatty style, Ariana "demonstrates ... how to activate positive energy flow into your home, and therefore, into your life" by using feng shui, candles, gemstones, smudging, and rituals to create a harmonious environment.
Three from Ellen Dugan;
age Witchery - Natural Magick For Hearth And Home
The natural magick of the cottage Witch makes use of the bounty of the world around her - a leaf from a tree, a flower grown in the yard, herbs from the pantry, a candle from the cupboard. With her trademark down to earth humor and hand on approach, Ellen Dugan shows you how to bring the beauty of nature and its magickal energies into your home.
This charming and creative guide book is ideal for cottage, hedge, or green Witches, as well as anyone who just wants to add a little magickal sparkle to her home. From planting begonias for protection to casting a maple leaf spell for happiness, Cottage Witchery is filled with practical advice, personal stories, and hearth Witchery lore and magick.
Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick.
With the goal of fostering spiritual development within a personal pagan practice, Ellen Dugan emphasizes "natural magicks" and draws from innate intuitive talents. Her primer for "green" witchcraft--i.e., witchcraft in tune with seasonal elements--is a gold mine of concepts and resources for
the novice to intermediate practitioner. The seasoned adept, too, will find the handy correspondence lists and exercises immensely useful. Also included are spells, rituals, and blank space for a personal grimoire to jot down ideas and insights.
Chock-full of relevant wisdom and lively humor, this is a valuable addition to any avid pagan's personal reference library.This friendly guidebook also includes a Book of Witchery with magickal correspondences and a handy journal section for keeping track of your progress.
Garden Witchery: Magick from the Ground Up
How doe
s your magickal garden grow?... With violets, rosemary, and yarrow to attract faeries; an apple tree for love and health; and a circle of stones in some tucked-away corner? Whether you live in a cottage in the woods, a home in the suburbs, or a city apartment with a small balcony, a powerful and enchanted realm awaits you. Discover the secret language and magickal properties of the trees and flowers, herbs and plants found growing around you, and learn how to create your own witch's garden.
Written with down-to-earth humor by a Master Gardener who is also a practicing witch, this creative and encouraging guide will inspire gardeners of all ages and experience levels. It includes a journal section that makes it easy to keep track of your progress, practical gardening advice, personal stories, and garden witchery lore and magick. Inside, you'll get the dirt on:
A natural Witch has an appreciation of nature and an awareness of the magickal energies present in all things. This kinship with the unseen world is at the heart of Witchcraft. It is also the foundation of all magickal work.
You will enhance your spellcrafting, empower your witchery, and add richness and depth to your everyday life by developing your intuition and psychic skills. Natural Witchery features straightforward how-to's, first-hand stories, spells, rituals, fun quizzes, and creative exercises to help you live a more magickal life:
Learn how to tune in to many different kinds of energy, such as the cycles of the moon and the energy of the seasons, and use it to fuel your spellwork
Explore different types of psychic abilities, and discover your own elemental strengths and challenges. Use natur
al witchery to create more harmony and bal
ance in your home, workplace, and circle.
Two from Scott Cunningham:
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews (Llewellyn's Practical Magick)
Recipes abound in this handy volume. Create your own incense, oils, tinctures, inks and more with Cunningham's easy to follow guide.
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. This comprehensive guide to over 400 herbs should be in everyone's library. Each herb is complete with image, folk name, herbal lore, correspondences, and magickal uses presented in an easy to us
e format that will help to make your spells successful.

Two Llewellyn Reference books I use almost daily are:
The Witches' Datebook a, book I buy every year and keep at my bedside. This practical calendar is filled with magical references that will help you keep track of daily correspondences and the moon's courses.
Llewellyn's Herbal Almanac is another of the Llewellyn series I buy every year. An almanac that features dozens of articles on: gardening, cooking, crafts and herbal lore.
Chocked full of herbal remedies and tips for using nature's most versatile plants. This is a treasury both the avid garden and the window box tender will equally enjoy.

The Magickal Life by Vivianne Crowley is a comprehensive guide that combines the ancient spiritual wisdom of magic and contemporary self-help techniques such as meditation, yoga, and positive thinking. Perfect for novices and seasoned practitioners alike, The Magickal Life illustrates how magic can help you lead a more successful and satisfying life and see the world as full of endless possibilities.
Listening to the Oracle: The Ancient Art of Finding Guidance in the Signs and Symbols All Around Us by Dianne Skafte. Oracles--wise messengers that help steer our lives--co
me to us from sources such as dreams, divination, patterns in nature, chance words overheard in a crowd, and inspired wisdom-speakers. Ancient peoples revered oracles as communications from the sacred life maxtrix. But in modern times, we need a little help attuning to the signs and wonders all around us.
Dr. Skafte rekindles our oracular knowing by exploring oracle traditions from many time periods and applying their wisdom to our own lives. Topics include: Preparing to receive oracles; The arts of divination, Sibyls; The oracle of Delphi; The shadow side of oracles; and Communications from animals and nature. Discussions are based on extensive historical research. The book contains over 400 indexed citations. Every chapter contains
useful exercises and practices.
The ancient oracles haven't stopped speaking, Skafte says. We've just forgotten how to listen. But they warmly await our return.

Go on a journey with Omar W. Rosales in Elemental Shaman,One Man's Journey Into the Heart of Humanity, Spirituality & Ecology. Oman follows his dreams on a spiritual quest that takes him across four continents to shaman, priests, ghosts, legends, and mountain deities. This inspiring true story chronicles one man's search for the truth behind the healing practices of four shamanistic traditions: Toltec, Cherokee, Maya, and Buddhist.
This book made me wonder why I have not gone on a quest of my own.
HOUSE MAGIC: The Good Witch's Guide To Bringing Grace To Your Space
by Ariana
Feng Shui, witchcraft and astrology are already familiar to many readers, but this is the first book to bring them all together. By using a little bit of each, people can activate positive energy in their homes and consequently in their lives.
In a casual, chatty style, Ariana "demonstrates ... how to activate positive energy flow into your home, and therefore, into your life" by using feng shui, candles, gemstones, smudging, and rituals to create a harmonious environment.
Three from Ellen Dugan;
The natural magick of the cottage Witch makes use of the bounty of the world around her - a leaf from a tree, a flower grown in the yard, herbs from the pantry, a candle from the cupboard. With her trademark down to earth humor and hand on approach, Ellen Dugan shows you how to bring the beauty of nature and its magickal energies into your home.
This charming and creative guide book is ideal for cottage, hedge, or green Witches, as well as anyone who just wants to add a little magickal sparkle to her home. From planting begonias for protection to casting a maple leaf spell for happiness, Cottage Witchery is filled with practical advice, personal stories, and hearth Witchery lore and magick.
Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick.
With the goal of fostering spiritual development within a personal pagan practice, Ellen Dugan emphasizes "natural magicks" and draws from innate intuitive talents. Her primer for "green" witchcraft--i.e., witchcraft in tune with seasonal elements--is a gold mine of concepts and resources for
Chock-full of relevant wisdom and lively humor, this is a valuable addition to any avid pagan's personal reference library.This friendly guidebook also includes a Book of Witchery with magickal correspondences and a handy journal section for keeping track of your progress.
Garden Witchery: Magick from the Ground Up
How doe
Written with down-to-earth humor by a Master Gardener who is also a practicing witch, this creative and encouraging guide will inspire gardeners of all ages and experience levels. It includes a journal section that makes it easy to keep track of your progress, practical gardening advice, personal stories, and garden witchery lore and magick. Inside, you'll get the dirt on:
A natural Witch has an appreciation of nature and an awareness of the magickal energies present in all things. This kinship with the unseen world is at the heart of Witchcraft. It is also the foundation of all magickal work.
You will enhance your spellcrafting, empower your witchery, and add richness and depth to your everyday life by developing your intuition and psychic skills. Natural Witchery features straightforward how-to's, first-hand stories, spells, rituals, fun quizzes, and creative exercises to help you live a more magickal life:
Learn how to tune in to many different kinds of energy, such as the cycles of the moon and the energy of the seasons, and use it to fuel your spellwork
Explore different types of psychic abilities, and discover your own elemental strengths and challenges. Use natur
Two from Scott Cunningham:
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews (Llewellyn's Practical Magick)
Recipes abound in this handy volume. Create your own incense, oils, tinctures, inks and more with Cunningham's easy to follow guide.
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. This comprehensive guide to over 400 herbs should be in everyone's library. Each herb is complete with image, folk name, herbal lore, correspondences, and magickal uses presented in an easy to us
Two Llewellyn Reference books I use almost daily are:
The Witches' Datebook a, book I buy every year and keep at my bedside. This practical calendar is filled with magical references that will help you keep track of daily correspondences and the moon's courses.
Llewellyn's Herbal Almanac is another of the Llewellyn series I buy every year. An almanac that features dozens of articles on: gardening, cooking, crafts and herbal lore.
Chocked full of herbal remedies and tips for using nature's most versatile plants. This is a treasury both the avid garden and the window box tender will equally enjoy.
The Magickal Life by Vivianne Crowley is a comprehensive guide that combines the ancient spiritual wisdom of magic and contemporary self-help techniques such as meditation, yoga, and positive thinking. Perfect for novices and seasoned practitioners alike, The Magickal Life illustrates how magic can help you lead a more successful and satisfying life and see the world as full of endless possibilities.
Listening to the Oracle: The Ancient Art of Finding Guidance in the Signs and Symbols All Around Us by Dianne Skafte. Oracles--wise messengers that help steer our lives--co
Dr. Skafte rekindles our oracular knowing by exploring oracle traditions from many time periods and applying their wisdom to our own lives. Topics include: Preparing to receive oracles; The arts of divination, Sibyls; The oracle of Delphi; The shadow side of oracles; and Communications from animals and nature. Discussions are based on extensive historical research. The book contains over 400 indexed citations. Every chapter contains
useful exercises and practices.
The ancient oracles haven't stopped speaking, Skafte says. We've just forgotten how to listen. But they warmly await our return.
Go on a journey with Omar W. Rosales in Elemental Shaman,One Man's Journey Into the Heart of Humanity, Spirituality & Ecology. Oman follows his dreams on a spiritual quest that takes him across four continents to shaman, priests, ghosts, legends, and mountain deities. This inspiring true story chronicles one man's search for the truth behind the healing practices of four shamanistic traditions: Toltec, Cherokee, Maya, and Buddhist.
This book made me wonder why I have not gone on a quest of my own.
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