Sunday, July 19, 2009

Brews and Potions

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts

Anyone can pick up a pre-made concoction (in fact you can get them here at Spell Kits) but making your own potions is very rewarding way to reconnect with the ancient arts. Here are some easy ways to start.

A standard infusion is prepared by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb (or 2 to 4 teaspoons of fresh herb) to a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes before straining. If the herb is left too long, the infusion will become bitter. It's best to use a ceramic pot with a lid.

This is usually the method of choice for bark and seeds. Use 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb per cup of cold water. Bring the mixture gently to a boil. Keeping covered, simmer for about 10 minutes.
A tincture is an alcoholic extraction of herb. Alcohol dissolves the active constituents out of the plant matter and acts as a preservative, allowing the tincture to retain its effectiveness for up to 2 years. Any part of the plant
may be used.
Place 4 ounces of dried herb in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and add 2 cups vodka. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain through a cloth into a brown glass bottle. Keep tightly closed.

Herbal Wine
Use a sweet red wine with an alcohol content of at least 12%. Cover four ounces of herb with three cups of wine.
Leave for a week before straining.
Herbal wine is best used within a month.

Oil Infusion
Oil infusions are for external use only. They can be prepared by hot or cold methods. For the hot method, fill a jar with fresh herb and cover with olive, sunflower or almond oil. Place the jar up to the neck in a saucepan of water
and bring to a medium temperature. Simmer for up to three hours. Strain through filter paper or cloth into a brown glass bottle. Follow the same instructions for the cold method, except that the oil should be placed on a sunny windowsill instead of heated. The process can be repeated with the strained oil infusion and a fresh supply of herbs to make a stronger oil.

A cream is a blend of oil, beeswax and water. You can make your own, or purchase an unscented, water based cream. After adding herb to purchased cream, simmer in the top of a double boiler for 30 minutes. Strain before it cools.
Melt two ounces beeswax in a double boiler. Add one cup olive or other vegetable oil and blend. Add two ounces herb. For lighter cream, add a little water, mixing well. Simmer 20 minutes, mixing well. Add a drop of tincture of benzoin as a preservative. Strain thorough a cloth in to sterilized jars.

Other oils you can use are:
Lard - a saturated animal fat prepared from the internal fat of the hog abdomen.
Coconut oil- the saturated oil from the coconut which is the seed of the coconut palm.
Jojoba oil - a natural saturated fluid wax extracted from the Jojoba seed.
Olive oil - a mono unsaturated oil (high in omega 9 fatty acids).
Almond oil - an oil high in omega 9 with some omega 6 fatty acids.
Grape seed oil - an oil high in omega 6 with a little omega 9 fatty acids
Sunflower oil - an oil similar to grape seed oil.
Flax seed oil - an oil high in omega 3 with a little omega 6 and 9 fatty acids.

For a list of Herbs and their correspondences see our
Herbal Page

The moon influences potion-making just like it influences other areas of witchcraft. Here are the basic lunar rules:

waxing moon is a good time for potions aimed at increasing or strengthening something. Potions to improve health, to attract love, or to increase wealth are stronger when brewed during that time.

full moon is an excellent time to brew almost any kind of potion.

waning moon is best for potions that decrease or weaken something. Potions to ward off bad influences, to get rid of illness or worries, and to banish a person or spirit are more effective under a waning moon.

new moon is a good time for both banishing and renewing. It empowers potions to banish problems once and for all.
Indeed to get the best results the aspect of the moon, the day and the time of day are taken into consideration as well as the items employed (Candles, herbs and oils...) Check out our
Spell Correspondence page to get the best results.

Here are a few easy recipes to try:

Spirit Summoning Oil
The following essential oils in combination invoke beneficial spirits:
Lavender Essential Oil
Sandalwood Essential Oil
There are two methods of use, which can also be used together.

You will need a small glass container with a lid.
Lavender Essential Oil
Sandalwood Essential Oil
and almond oil as a carriers oil.

Fill the glass container 1/2 way with almond oil. Add three drops of Lavender Essential Oil and three drops of
Sandalwood Essential Oil.

Use to anoint behind the ears, behind the neck or over the Third Eye area and/or place the blend in an oil-burner
and diffuse the scent through an area

Anointing Oil
Great for anointing candles.

1 cup Rose Petals
1 cup Violets
1 cup Water
1 Cup Olive Oil
1 tbsp Clove Oil
2 tsps powdered Cinnamon
1 tbsp powdered Myrrh
1/4 cup Fennel Seeds

Add all ingredients to a jar and seal tightly, place in a warm dark place for 4 weeks - shake the jar twice a day.
Strain the oil through muslin or cheesecloth and store in a dark colored bottle.

Need to break a Hex? Use this oil.
Uncrossing Oil
Essential oil of Hyssop
Essential oil of Angelica (phototoxic do not wear in sunlight)
Essential oil of Frankincense
A pinch of Sea Salt
A pinch of Black Pepper
A pinch of Cayenne Pepper
A sprig or Rue (phototoxic - do not collect in sunlight)
A sliver of Fresh Garlic
A section of broken chain

Add the ingredients to a bottle filled with blended castor and jojoba oil. The crucial ingredients are the hyssop and chain. Add the other ingredients as desired.

Flying Ointments are used to stimulate psychic visions and aid astral travel
Flying Ointment
2 drops of Sandalwood Oil
1 drop Jasmine Oil
1 drop Benzoin Oil
1 drop Mace Oil
Add the oils to a blend of almond oil and melted beeswax .
Aphrodisia: A Passion Potion
1 pinch Rosemary
2 pinches Thyme
2 tsp. Black Tea
1 pinch Coriander
3 fresh Mint leaves (or 1/2 tsp. dried)
5 fresh Rosebud petals (or 1 tsp. dried)
5 fresh Lemon tree leaves (1 tsp. dried lemon peel)
3 pinches Nutmeg
3 pieces Orange peel
Place all ingredients into teapot. Boil three cups or so of water and add to the pot. Sweeten with honey, if
desired. Serve hot.
~Scott Cunningham

Moon Goddess Incense:
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
drop Eucalyptus Oil
drop Jasmine Oil
drop Camphor Oil

Moon Goddess Oil:
1 drop Jasmine
1 drop Sandalwood
Wear to attune with the vibrations of the Full Moon.

Moon Goddess Ointment:
5 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Lemon
1 drop Rose
Blend into a base of beeswax and anoint yourself to attune with the Goddess.

If you don't have time to make your own, I have them available for purchase on the
Spell Kit page

sigh **The FDA has not approved these statements. The information given is not meant to act as a prescription, medical advice or therapeutic advice. Consult your healthcare professional prior to using any natural remedy.

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