Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Go with the flow…"

What is Magic? How does it work?

Three key steps to master on the magical path are
Meditation, The Art of Visualization
and leaning to listen to your

Magic is the practice of influencing energy to achieve a given goal. Energy flows through
the universe, through all things, through us. To work a successful spell you must
harness and shape this energy. Through practice you will learn to gather and direct
energy while visualizing your intention.

Everything in the heavens and earth has an energy. Everything connected to a spell,
works with the purpose to apply that energy, including the hour, the day, the phase of
the moon, and the ingredients. When working magic, you are tapping into the energies
that are at work in the universe at that moment. If your intention is to draw prosperity
into your home, then working a spell on a Thursday, during the full or waxing moon, in
the hour of Jupiter, using green candles anointed in honeysuckle oil would be an
example of using aligned energies to obtain your intention.

Aligned energies are referred to as correspondences. Click here for a list of

A natural witch is often self-trained and witchcraft is an art and, like everything, practice
makes perfect. Learning to work in harmony with the elements and the natural world
involves knowledge of the natural world. Love of my garden is what led me down this
solitary path. Herbal Id, use and lore came slowly but is now a cornerstone of my
practice. That and working with the elements.

Click here for a list of
Magical Herbs and their applications. Or click here for information
in working with
elemental energies and their correspondences.

And to try a few spells I have had success with click here :

But remember to be mindful of the Law of Three, the karmic law that states what you
send out , positive or negative, will be returned to you times three.

"Ever Mind The Rule Of Three
Three Times Your Acts Return To Thee
This Lesson Well, Thou Must Learn
Thou Only Gets What Thee Dost Earn."

And Remember be careful what you ask for. The universe is listening. Read our page on
manifestation of your desire for helpful tips on wording and phrasing to get the results
you are trying to achieve.

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