Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do You Know What Phase the Moon is in Right Now?

As John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and let days, weeks and even months slip by. One conscious way to slow down and connect with the natural world is to keep track of the moon and it's monthly cycle.

Each month the moon shifts from new to full to new again spending about 3 1/2 days as it travels through each phase on its 28 day cycle.

New (also called the Dark Moon) - not visible

Waxing Crescent

First Quarter - commonly called a "half moon"

Waxing Gibbous

Full - we can see the entire illuminated portion of the moon

Waning Gibbous

Third Quarter - another "half moon", but the illuminated part is opposite of the First Quarter

Waning Crescent

New - back to the beginning

Ancient cultures looked to the moon and followed its path through the sky to plant, harvest, hunt, fish, to forecast the weather and foretell events of the months to come.

The moon is associated with the unconscious, the realm of dreams and intuition. It represents the feminine, mystical side of our nature. The moon is a symbol of the goddess. The sacredness of the moon is connected to the rhythms of life: birth, life and death.

The phase and aspect of the moon is a key component to working a successful spell. (click here for more on corresponding energies) At the new moon we begin projects. We plant auspicious energy to bloom at the full moon and we work with banishing and decrease with the waning cycle. It is also important to take into consideration the aspect of the moon when working with the moon's energy.

When the Moon is in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) do work to generate ideas and get things started. When the moon is in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) maintain follow-through and aim for completion. When the moon is in a mutable sign(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) gather loose ends and take care of details.

Seasonal awareness, awareness of the solstices and equinoxes and reflecting seasonal changes in our own person practices, allows us to attune our own personal energy to the energy of the natural world. Celebrating these ancient rituals are a way of attuning with the magical tides, to recognize the rhythms of life, death and rebirth. Living a magical life is a way of living and working with nature to harmonize with the world and to recognize that we are a part of it. Sure our schedules might still be harry but it is possible to take control of your day, your life and slow down to rediscover the magick.

Take control of the flow of your life and slow down. Taking the time to gain that control will make all the difference in the world. Here are a few things to help you on this quest:

Take time to meditate
The art of meditating is actually easier to learn than you might imagine. The key is finding a practice that works for you and sticking with. Click here for more information on Mediation.

Stop multi-tasking.
Why are you trying to do so many things at once? You can’t stay sane if you’re trying to juggle your way through life st a million miles a minute. If you are doing this, you are not being productive either. Focus on one thing at a time being mindful of the moment.

Connect to the natural world as you plan your day be aware of the turning of the wheel of the year, the changing seasons and the cycle of the moon and celebrate!

Indulge in a simple pleasure. Make a cup of tea or take a bath. Click here for some lovely bath salt recipes.

Eat right and get some exercise. Everyone knows the benefits of laying off the booze and eating green. Read more here

Life is a sacred journey don't let it pass you by.

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