Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Join us today as we focus on the importance of minimizing our individual carbon footprints, as we strive to raise collective consciousness about the importance of recycling, reusing and renewing. Take time today to reconnect with nature. Join me in a meditation to connect with mother Earth and recharge your life force with her cool, nurturing energy.

A Lovely Grounding Meditation
Use this meditation to neutralize negative energy and replace it with earth energy. I find it does wonders to ground and center when I feel my life has gotten out of control.

Set aside about a half an hour for this exercise. Choose a quiet place where you will not be interrupted or distracted. Make sure that you are comfortable and in a positive state of mind.

Sit quietly with your eyes closed and your palms face up in your lap.

Breathe and relax.

Spend a few moments focusing to relax your body working your way down from the top of your head to the tips of your toes until every part of you is relaxed.

Connect with the soles of your feet and be aware of how they feel. After a few moments, move your attention down to a spot within the Earth about a foot below your feet. Visualize a sphere of cool blue energy pooling in this spot.

Now Visualize roots slowly extending from your feet. Slowly they travel down, down, through the soil. Imagine the feel of the cool, secure soil all around your roots, keeping you safe as you breathe deep the smell of fresh, wholesome Earth. Your roots grow until they find the cool pool of Earth energy. Allow them to plunge into this pool and drink up the cool energy. As the roots of your feet drink in the cool Earth energy, they grow becoming a strong cord. Feel the cord growing until it becomes a strong cable between your body and the earth. See the cool energy traveling up this cord. Feel the earth energy rising up through the bottom of your feet; up through your ankles and calves; earth energy rising up through your knees and thighs; up through your pelvic area; earth energy flowing up through your abdomen and lower back; rising up through your hands and arms.

Imagine earth energy flowing up through your chest and back; up through your shoulders and neck, chin, jaw, face; earth energy flowing up through your scalp.

This earth energy flows up and up over the top of your head and flows back down to the earth healing and revitalizing your aura as it flows through all the layers and levels of energy around your body before spilling down to flow back into the earth. Let the energy run until you have created a loop the moves from the Earth up your feet, legs and spine, out the top of your head, down your aura and back into the Earth. Run this energy until your sprit sings and you skin begins to tingle. Let the energy nourish you charkas and set them to spin like brightly colored jewels.
When you are finished running your energy, and you are ready to return to your previous state of consciousness, bring your awareness to your fingertips and wiggle them, take a breath and slowing open you eyes.
